What Is the Big Deal about Sustainable Packaging?

It is widely known that in order to improve the environment and preserve our resources here on earth, it is our responsibility to make the necessary adjustments. One of the biggest challenges, specifically in the plastics industry, is to provide sustainable packaging for consumer products. Unfortunately, it is much easier said, than done. There a few main reasons why it is so difficult for packaging companies to commit to sustainable packaging solutions. The first challenge is that many of the materials proposed for sustainable packaging are in fact not recyclable. This deters companies from investing in “sustainable” material used for economically friendly packaging.
Not only is a lot of the material used for sustainable packing not currently recyclable, but it is also more expensive. Packaging companies are paying more upfront, which then results in the consumer paying more for the product on the shelf. This is discouraging companies to switch to sustainable packaging solutions. Due to these high costs, brands risk losing customers and ultimately make the decision to continue to use packaging solutions that are not recyclable or biodegradable.
Perception (The Most Important)
Although material selection and cost are part of the problem, the substantial impact is society’s perception toward sustainable packaging and the benefit of recycling. Many people are unaware of the many benefits of sustainable solutions entirely. However, if more consumers were educated on the benefits, they would begin to purchase more products with sustainable packaging. The more people that purchase sustainable products with sustainable packaging, the lower the cost and the standard will begin to change (this includes sustainability regulations).
The Big Picture
So, what does this have to do with plastic manufacturers? Well, plastic manufacturers like Tessy Plastics can help influence and educate companies about the many benefits of sustainable solutions at large. The most effective way to influence others is to practice what you preach. Tessy establishes sustainability goals and submits data annually to corporate social responsibility companies like EcoVadis and the Carbon Disclosure Project. As Tessy achieves each goal, the bar raises even higher. As a result, this sets a new standard for not only Tessy, but also Tessy affiliates, and other plastic contract manufacturers around the world. Tessy is rated silver by EcoVadis and is 1 of 139 companies that have received an ‘A’ rating for the Carbon Disclosure Project in 2018. In addition to the CDP and EcoVadis contributions, Tessy is also ISO 14001 certified.